President Fired as Club Remains Winless

Despite the losses, the road trip to Helena was a good time. Brewers' home Kindrick Field outperformed Centene Stadium in several aspects, including 1) they served microbrews, 2) they served them in 24 oz cups, 3) they had hotter girls working the booths, 4) they had beer vendors that came to your seats, and 5) it was really easy to get a good seat at the game because there was nobody there. There were a few negatives, however, including 1) $5.50 for a beer - that's steep in this state, and 2) they stopped serving beer after the 7th inning - weak! After the game the Club headed over to some bar that was closing down after that night. Every drink in the place was a $1. It was like a Thirsty Thursday in Great Falls, only the choices were much more varied than Bud Light, Coors Light, and Miller Lite. In fact, judging by the size of most of the women in the place, I don't think they served anything "light." The Club will be back in Great Falls this Thursday as they try once again for their first victory of the season, this time under new President Jared Smith's reign.